Air France announces the cancellation of its scheduled flights tomorrow between Paris and Kiev

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12:03 : Already noon, time to rewind the news of the morning:

• Air France has canceled flights scheduled for tomorrow between Paris and Kiev, “in view of the situation on site and as a precaution”. The company has so far provided two rotations per week, Tuesday and Sunday. Follow our live.

• The Kremlin judges “premature” to talk about a summit between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden, announced by France to defuse the Ukrainian crisis.

• A couple in their 70s was found drowned in their vehicle in the English Channel last night after storm Franklin hit. The orange vigilance for high winds was lifted tonight.

• Back to school with streamlined procedures. The schoolchildren of zone B, who resume classes this morning, will be able to remove the masks in the playground.

11:59 : Tension was still palpable in Ukraine yesterday as fighting pitted the army against pro-Russian separatists in the east of the country. In the Donbass region, civilians were evacuated.


11:47 : A shell fired from Ukrainian territory destroyed a Russian border post this morning, without causing any casualties, according to the Russian intelligence services. Fighting between the Ukrainian army and pro-Russian separatists has intensified in eastern Ukraine over the past three days.

11:46 : “Air France will regularly re-evaluate the situation and recall that the safety and security of flights, of its customers and of its crews, is an absolute imperative”, says the company. Until now, it provided two rotations per week between Paris and Kiev, on Tuesdays and Sundays.

11:34 am : Air France cancels flights scheduled for tomorrow between Paris and Kiev, “in view of the situation on site and as a precaution”.

11:47 : As tensions grow on the border between Ukraine and Russia, foreign volunteers, some of whom are French, come to the aid of the Ukrainian army. They are supervised by Americans, who have come to train these new legionnaires.


10:33 am : “A meeting is possible if the Heads of State [russe et américain] deem it useful”, said the Kremlin spokesman. He recalled that Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin always have the possibility, “when it’s necessary”to talk to each other “on the phone or otherwise”.

10:22 : Vladimir Putin is due to chair a meeting of his Security Council this afternoon, a powerful body which brings together the main Russian decision-makers, in particular the leaders of the army and the intelligence services. While France announced last night a summit between the Russian president and Joe Biden, the Kremlin judged this morning that it was “premature” to talk about a meeting between the two heads of state.

10:14 a.m. : In Prymorske, a small fishing village in the Mariupol region (Ukraine), tensions between Kiev and Moscow are felt. They revive painful memories of the Donbass war in 2014. Report by our special correspondent on the spot, Benjamin Illy.


09:54 : “There is an agreement on the fact of having to continue the dialogue [sur la crise ukrainienne] at ministerial level [des Affaires étrangères]. Talking about concrete plans for organizing summits is premature“, said the Kremlin spokesman this morning.

09:54 : The Kremlin judges “premature” to talk about a summit between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden, announced by France to defuse the Ukrainian crisis.

09:45 : France foresees a “diplomatic hope” in the Ukrainian crisis after Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin agreed to the principle of a meeting. “There is a reality on the ground, a tension on the ground with a Russian military presence which remains extremely strong (…) and then at the same time a diplomatic hope which has been rebuilt”said Secretary of State Clément Beaune, this morning on LCI.

09:02 : It is 9 am, here is a new point on the news of this Monday morning:

• Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden have agreed to meet at a summit, organized on the initiative of Emmanuel Macron. But there is one American condition: that Russia does not invade Ukraine by then. Follow our live.

• A couple in their 70s was found drowned in their vehicle in the English Channel last night after storm Franklin hit. Orange vigilance for strong winds in the North, Pas-de-Calais, Somme and Seine-Maritime was lifted last night.

• Back to school with streamlined procedures. The schoolchildren of zone B, who resume classes this morning, will be able to remove the masks in the playground.

The red hurricane alert has been lifted in Reunion. The island was grazed by cyclone Emnati without major damage, due to weather conditions “less degraded than expected”according to the prefecture.

07:36 : A subject occupies the front page of most of the newspapers this morning: the crisis in Ukraine. Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden have agreed to meet to discuss the situation there, as warnings about the imminent risk of armed conflict have multiplied in recent days.





07:28 : Hello @Antoine. No details were given on this subject. But I can tell you that the content of the summit will be prepared by the American Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, and his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, during a meeting scheduled for Thursday.

06:41 : Do you know where the meeting between Biden and Putin will take place?

06:35 : The United States, however, set a condition for this summit: that Russia does not invade Ukraine in the meantime. “We are also prepared to inflict swift and severe consequences if Russia chooses war instead.”at warned the White House spokeswoman.

06:36 : Are we heading towards a way out of the crisis? After weeks of growing tensions with Westerners, Vladimir Putin agreed to meet his counterpart Joe Biden last night at a summit proposed by Emmanuel Macron. The Elysée has specified that the talks will subsequently be extended to “all stakeholders” to the Ukrainian crisis.

06:13 : Here is a first point on the news:

• Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden have agreed to meet at a summit, organized on the initiative of Emmanuel Macron, they announced last night. But there is one American condition: that Russia does not invade Ukraine by then.

The red hurricane alert has been lifted in Reunion. The island was grazed by cyclone Emnati without major damage, due to weather conditions “less degraded than expected”according to the prefecture.

• Back to school with streamlined procedures. Schoolchildren in zone B, who resume classes this morning, will be able to remove the masks in the playground and no longer need to provide a sworn statement after the first self-test.

• Orange vigilance for strong winds in the North, Pas-de-Calais, Somme and Seine-Maritime was lifted last night.

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