Air Canada shocks again! | The Journal of Montreal

Well, this society will never understand, or will not want to understand, that French, one of the two official languages ​​in the country, must be respected on the same basis as the English language, moreover in Quebec. It seems to me that it goes without saying, no! Yet Air Canada is very familiar with the box for accused persons at the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages ​​of Canada. This for years!

Its president, Michael S. Rousseau, prides himself on not having time to learn French. No but, do I have a handle on the back to believe it? He just didn’t want it! This middle-aged man certainly did not lack time in his life to do so, his will was deliberately absent.

Speak both languages!

Between you and me, try to reach the position of CEO of Air Canada or Governor General of Canada by being unilingual Francophone! We will talk about it again because we will tell you from the first seconds that it is important to speak both languages. Yet Michael S. Rousseau and Mary May Simon did it on their own without speaking French!

Where was the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages ​​for Canada, a watchdog unable to bark when necessary, to defend French when Mary May Simon was appointed Governor General of Canada by Justin Trudeau? Ms. Simon did not even have to navigate in the face of very strong head winds.

Should we cry vehemently against injustice since obviously we are violating the requirements of the job depending on whether you are anglophone or francophone? Is this normal?

My confidence in the federal government and Air Canada had wrinkles, now it’s fractured! Yes Air Canada, by its DNA, still shocks!

Air Canada shocks again!

Michel Beaumont, Retired engineer, Quebec

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