Ainadamar at the Opéra de Montréal: passion, flamenco and the Spanish Civil War on the program!

The Opéra de Montréal invites opera lovers, Hispanophiles and aficionados of fiery music to a very unique operatic event that pays tribute to the revolutionary poet Federico García Lorca.

Inspired by real events, this fascinating work plunges the public into the heart of the violent civil war which tore Spain apart at the dawn of the Second World War. The Arabic term Ainadamar, which means “fountain of tears”, refers to the fountain in the public square in front of which García Lorca was executed on August 19, 1936 by Francoist soldiers because of his anti-fascist activism. He was 38 years old.

Resolutely modern in style, the opera allows us to grasp the scope of the influence exercised by the Andalusian poet, who marked not only the revolution in his country, but also freedom of expression, regardless of borders.

An exceptional work

Rather than being divided into several acts, like traditional operas, Ainadamar presents us in mode flashback three paintings respectively devoted to a significant period in the life of the multidisciplinary artist, who was also a playwright, painter and musician. ” Ainadamar transports us to the crossroads of Spanish, gypsy, Arab and Jewish music, explains artistic director Michel Beaulac. Through the memories of Margarita Xirgu, Federico García Lorca’s favorite actress, the work evokes the short life of the famous playwright executed at the start of the Spanish Civil War. By interspersing his opera with the powerful accents of Andalusian flamenco and Cuban rhythms, the Argentinian composer Osvaldo Golijov has created a bewitching work that seduces all audiences. Very present, the bereaved character of Margarita Xirgu brings to life throughout the opera the ideas of the martyr poet, his love of freedom and his homosexuality, which has long been ignored and marginalized.

Make way for flamenco

The music and orchestration of the opera Ainadamar evoke the context of civil war in which the narrative framework of the work is immersed, while gunshots and the hammering of hooves are heard. But what distinguishes this opera is the recourse to the folk traditions of flamenco, interpreted by a singer and dancers, which the composer uses to give a whole new dimension to his work. The libretto of the opera Ainadamar is the work of American playwright David Henry Hwang, translated into Spanish by the composer. Spectators will therefore attend an opera in the magnificent language of Federico García Lorca, which is rather rare.

The ODM is an opera company that relies on new Quebec creations, the influence of the next generation of opera from here and collaborations with artisans and creators from all walks of life.

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