Aid to companies, future of the inter-union … The “8:30 franceinfo” by Marylise Léon

The secretary general of the CFDT was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo”, Thursday July 13, 2023.

Marylise Léon, secretary general of the CFDT, was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo”, Thursday July 13, 2023. Aid to companies, future of the inter-union … She answered questions from Lorrain Sénéchal and Agathe Lambret.

“We have a job to do to overhaul all the aid to businesses”

“I think we have a job to do to overhaul all the aid for businesses”, says Marylise Léon, after having participated the day before in a meeting in Matignon with the Prime Minister, Élisabeth Borne. For the general secretary of the CFDT, “The question is not to say ‘we are eliminating aid to businesses'” but “to know what they do with it”. She numbers them at “about 200 billion euros”.

In his viewfinder, there is “companies that do not negotiate” on wages and “who still have coefficients below the minimum wage”. For the trade unionist, “They should no longer be able to benefit from this aid”. At present, “there are many exemptions from employer contributions for coefficients close to the minimum wage”, she recalls. These companies are numerous, according to her: “130 branches [professionnelles] out of 171 with more than 5,000 employees” are concerned. “Everyone is paid the minimum wage”she recalls.

The inter-union will “go from protest to proposals”

“There is a good first step taken” with some “guarantees” For “to establish a dialogue from the month of September” with the government, assures Marylise Léon, after being received Wednesday at Matignon by Élisabeth Borne alongside other unions and employers. “It was useful”, this meeting at Matignon. “We were able to say things to each other, so it’s important.”

The future of the union, “it is to move from contestation to proposals”, declares the general secretary of the CFDT. The unions are “at work” to confront “our proposals” And “what we can wear in common. We will see by the end of the year”.


Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Thursday July 13, 2023:

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