Ahmed Sylla bursts into tears in “The Kindergarten House” upon discovering his little sister: “It’s complicated”

After his appearance in Clique, on Canal +, this January 17, 2024, Ahmed Sylla responded to the invitation of “The nursery house” to promote his new film “Comme un prince”. And a surprise, prepared by the team, brought tears to his eyes… Indeed, columnist Yasmine Oughlis explained that this is not the first Once he plays the role of the big brother, he is also one, off screen, and a good one!

In tears in “The nursery house”

“Wait, I’m told that this role of big brother, obviously you got it. Look” she explained to France 2 viewers, before launching a video of Ahmed Sylla’s little sister. She told him: “You decided to put your family in the spotlight and I decided to return the favor”.

On set, Ahmed Sylla could not hold back his tears. He hammered to the team: “Ah, you got me. You got me, you got me, you got me.” And to add:“I know how much she doesn’t like it, it’s complicated for her. I love you, my sister.”. The 33-year-old star responded to this beautiful message, assuring on camera:“Thank you my sister, I love you, that’s it. Thank you my little sister”.

“That’s why his words touch me”

About his little sister, he also revealed: “I’m super proud of her, she’s a mother who fights. She has two children, she set up a project that she’s taking on, she’s a super intelligent girl. In one place of my life, she was my big sister […] even though she’s my little sister and that’s why her words touch me.”.

The comic also has an older and a younger brother, but most of the time remains rather modest about his family and their childhood…


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