Agriculture: the new CAP unveiled




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A new common agricultural policy (CAP) was decided at the European Parliament in Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin). In particular, it should make it possible to promote agriculture that is more respectful of the environment.

The European Parliament ruled on Tuesday, November 23. Europe’s agricultural policy will be a little less common from 2023. Each state will choose how it sets out European objectives locally, all the same with control from Brussels (Belgium). Countries must finalize their own national strategic plan, detailing where EU funds are going, by the end of the year. Brussels will play an important role in checking whether these plans are in line with European objectives. If the plan is not up to the ambitions, a suspension of payments would then be possible.

The new CAP should make it possible to establish agriculture that is more respectful of the environment. In addition, at the social level, at least 10% of the funds must be paid to small and medium-sized farms. 3% of the budget aims to support young farmers. Member States have yet to formally approve this reform. Some elected officials express their concern. “Most of the budget will continue to be spent in the form of aid per hectare that is paid without taking into account production methods and without taking into account prices and agricultural income”, judge the socialist MEP Éric Andrieu.


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