Agriculture: Strawberry harvest begins


Article written by

V.Gaglione, S.Dauba, JM.Talenton – France 2

France Televisions

In the Gard, the strawberry harvest began at the end of last week. It will last until the end of June and the season is already looking very good.

In Vers-Pont-du-Gard (gard)the strawberries have only been ripe for four days. As often, the plant gave everything to produce the most beautiful flowers at the start of the season. Flowers that give the most beautiful fruits. There are 600 varieties of strawberries. jerome Taulellestrawberry producer, plant in December, in open ground, to harvest at the end of June.

Just opposite the greenhouses, crates of red fruits are sold directly. The price is the same from the beginning to the end of the season: 9 euros per kilo. “We have been watered with Spanish strawberries for almost a month. (…) It has nothing to do to see”, rejoices a customer. The best strawberries are those that are eaten at room temperature. Nicole Taulelleproducer, has another tip: do not cut the stems of the strawberries before washing them, so that the water does not enter them. Over the past 15 years, global strawberry production has more than doubled.

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