Video length: 3 mins.
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Due to the Russian bombardments, the Ukrainian agricultural lands have become veritable minefields. But farmers no longer have a choice and must continue to exploit them to survive, even if it means taking risks.
Devastated villages and lands. Every week on average, 65,000 shells are fired into Ukrainian territory. The war does not however stop the harvests. For the time being, it is not farmers but deminers who are busy. Impossible to start sowing, too dangerous because the ground is riddled with shells. Some exploded, some didn’t. The bad surprise of the day, a Russian-made missile still in working order. All contact is therefore prohibited. The field, heavily bombarded, is riddled with explosive devices of the same kind. The land is impassable.
40 billion euros in losses
Vitaly is a farmer. With the war, he had to adapt. Shells and mines, he has found many in recent weeks, before the crucial sowing season. Last year, the harvest was lost after the nine months of Russian invasion in the region. Today, he no longer has a choice, his survival depends on the next crops. He must therefore resume his activity, regardless of the risks. “This whole area is mined. The problem with these weapons is that they stay in the ground which then becomes overgrown”, he explains. All the losses suffered over the past year would amount to 40 billion euros. An amount that Ukraine wants to claim from Russia for war reparations.