Agricultural show: the public at the rendezvous for the opening



Article written by

A. Sylvain, M. Czaplicki, T. Rousselet, B. Bervas – France 3

France Televisions

Saturday 26 February is the opening of the Agricultural Show. An expected meeting after a 2021 edition canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic. Covid-19. The show wants to be, even more this year, the meeting point between the city and the countryside, with a central question: that of our food.

An enthusiastic crowd was present on Saturday February 26 for the opening of the Salon de farming. After the cancellation of the 2021 edition due to covidno question for visitors to miss this one. This is the edition reunion this year, smiles a mother who came with her children. A reunion also very much appreciated by the farmers, because the Show is an opportunity to show their work to the public, to tell their difficulties too. For some, the cost of grain jumped 40%.

Consumers say be ready to make a financial effort to help them. But in this time of inflation, purses are not expandable. It is the future of the profession that is darkening, especially for young people. Anyway, the public was there for the opening morning. The Show lasts until Sunday 6 March.

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