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The war in Ukraine has been upsetting Emmanuel Macron’s agenda for three days, but he was no exception to the rule, on Saturday February 26, he came to inaugurate the Agricultural Show in Paris. However, the president had to cut short his visit. Delicate mission for him: to try to reassure the peasant world while recognizing that this war will have repercussions on the agricultural world.
Express inauguration for Emmanuel Macron. After less than two hours at the Salon de farming, the Head of State passes the baton to the Prime Minister, the image is unprecedented. He arrived around 7:15 a.m. on Saturday February 26 and from the start, he was questioned about the war in Ukraine because the conflict could have consequences for all farmers. The Head of State has promised to accompany them.
An international crisis that has not prevented some farmers from challenging the President, especially on the environment. After his departure, it is Jean Castex who lends himself to the photo game, tastes the regional products and even goes to admire the cattle. “We just wanted to show farmers and all French people that we are present and that we are there to protect them”, did he declare. A few weeks before the first round of the presidential election, this edition of the Salon de farming looks very political. Most candidates are expected there next week.