Around Bérengère Bonte, those informed debate the news of Wednesday April 3, 2024.
Reading time: 49 min

The themes :
Agricultural bill. Facilitate the transfer of holdings. Including the general interest character of agriculture, what does that change in concrete terms? Simplifying… is it to the detriment of the environment?
A pebble in Edouard Philippe’s shoe before 2027? The National Financial Prosecutor’s Office has opened a preliminary investigation targeting the former prime minister and a Le Havre elected official.
The functioning of the Assembly in question. The commission of inquiry into the allocation of TNT frequencies, weakened by its president Quentin Bataillon? The latter distinguished himself on Tuesday by denigrating Yann Barthès on Cyril Hanouna’s show. Two show hosts who were interviewed as part of this commission. Gabriel Attal experienced a “single on stage” at the National Assembly.
The informed :
Elsa Freyssenet. Senior reporter at Les Echos.
Stéphane Vernay. Director of the Parisian editorial staff of Ouest France.
Caroline Michel Aguirre. Senior reporter at Le Nouvel Obs magazine.
Jacques Le Cacheux. Professor at the University of Pau & Pays de l’Adour, and at the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées
Jean-Philippe Derosier, constitutionalist, professor of public law at the University of Lille
Find all the news from Tuesday April 2, 2024: