Agreement in principle with Quebec | FIQ members vote until midnight

The 80,000 members of the FIQ are called to vote until 11:59 p.m. this Friday evening on the agreement in principle that had been concluded with Quebec regarding the renewal of collective agreements.

The Interprofessional Health Federation organized a referendum vote over three days, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, after holding several general meetings of its members to inform them of the content of the agreement in principle.

The FIQ recommended that its members vote in favor of this agreement in principle.

Several criticisms were heard on social media, particularly on the issue of forced movement of nurses and compulsory overtime.

However, the president of the FIQ, Julie Bouchard, estimated in an interview that the agreement reached included “interesting progress” despite “heartbreaking choices” that had to be made. She cited among the progress a statement on mandatory overtime which could serve as legal leverage, as well as the start of work to implement nurse/patient ratios.

The FIQ represents the vast majority of nurses, practical nurses, respiratory therapists and clinical perfusionists in Quebec.

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