(Ottawa) The NDP will keep a watchful eye on the upcoming federal budget to see if the Liberal government will meet the spending commitments it contacted in the recent agreement reached between the two parties.
Posted at 5:29 p.m.
NDP Finance Critic Daniel Blaikie said this budget will be the first major test of the pact struck between the NDP and the Liberals to see Justin Trudeau’s government through to the end of its mandate.
The Liberals promised to include several measures championed by the NDP.

NDP Finance Critic Daniel Blaikie
Blaikie says the NDP wants to see several key parts of the deal, including a one-time $500 supplement to the Canada Housing Benefit and a new dental plan, in this budget.
The NDP hopes that the budget will also include more funding for Aboriginal housing and the imposition of a surtax on the profits of banking institutions and insurance companies.
Mr. Blaikie acknowledged that his party would be disappointed if the government did not implement more means to generate fairer revenues and tax measures.
The presentation of the budget is scheduled for Tuesday.