Aggression of Yvan Colonna: the aggressor denies the premeditation

The attacker, convicted of terrorism, heard Yvan Colonna say that he “spit on God”.

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The attacker of Yvan Colonna has denied to the investigators having acted in a premeditated way, while he is under investigation for “attempted assassination in connection with a terrorist enterprise” conducted by the national anti-terrorist prosecutor’s office after having violently beaten and tried to strangle the Corsican detainee in the prison of Arles, in the Bouches-du-Rhône, Wednesday March 2, learned France Inter from a source close to the file.

This 36-year-old man, convicted in particular for “association of criminals with a view to the preparation of an act of terrorism”explained to the police that he got along well with the Corsican shepherd but that on Monday, during a conversation, he said that he “spit on God” and the fellow inmate didn’t like it “blasphemy against God”as franceinfo learned from a source close to the investigation on Thursday March 3.

The jihadist therefore refused to speak to Yvan Colonna for two days and specifically told another detainee that he did not want to speak to him. But, subsequently, he told investigators that he had met the Corsican by chance in the prison sports hall on Wednesday when he went to clean up there and jumped on him, the France Inter source further specifies.

According to France Bleu Provence, the attack lasted less than four minutes and was filmed by the prison’s video surveillance cameras. This detainee threw himself on the Corsican independence activist from behind, and gave him several violent kicks. Without the Corsican defending himself, the fellow prisoner turned him around, gave him a violent blow in the trachea and tried to suffocate him. The assailant then left the scene, knocked on the door and reported to the guards that Yvan Colonna had simply “a faintness”while the Corsican has since been in a post-anoxic coma, due to oxygen deprivation.

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