agents recruited to speed up the issuance of identity documents

Since last January, the administration has been faced with a unprecedented increase in requests for new identity cards or passports. They have increased by 30% compared to last year, at the same period.

The State services being overwhelmed, the latter decided in particular to proceed with new hirings. Thus, 160 additional agents were recruited in the Bouches-du-Rhône.

At this time, the prefecture announces that “the most urgent requests will be prioritized (professional reasons or for French people who have no identity document, in the event of theft or loss of title, unforeseeable departure abroad for family or health reasons). “

She therefore invites all those who can postpone a non-urgent request for a new identity document. A change of address or marital status, for example.

The prefecture also recalls that identity cards and passports “expired for less than 5 years” are still valid, especially “for candidates, pupils and students” who will have to show them during the end-of-year exams.

source site-38