It was one of Louis Aliot’s campaign promises. The night brigade was created a little over a year ago in Perpignan. But for those who are committed to it, the account is not there.
Fifteen night workers on strike gathered this Monday, January 24 in front of the premises of the municipal police of Perpignan. A symbolic walkout, since it does not fall on their working hours, but which underlines real discomfort.
– CM
A premium of 140 euros instead of 300 euros
“You should know that working at night is very complicated“, testifies Adrien, a policeman of this brigade, “even if we wanted it and we like it, the financial counterpart is part of the game and there we don’t have it“.
When the brigade was created, the police officers got involved on a voluntary basis. According to the strikers, the town hall had undertaken to pay them a bonus of 300 euros in the long term for their night work, or today they only get 140 euros premium. After waiting for many months, the raise has still not come, and negotiations with the mayor and the director of the municipal police seem to have stalled.
“We just want him to respect his commitments“, summarizes Omar Belguellaoui, intermunicipal secretary general of CFDT 66. “The night staff continue to keep their commitment every night with the population of the city of Perpignan“.
“The city’s budget is not extensible”
In response, the RN mayor of Perpignan first emphasizes that the movement is “supported by the CFDT, which is in the minority” within the municipal police and not Force Ouvrière, the majority union. Moreover, Louis Aliot assures us that there is “permanent negotiations, in particular with the majority union” around the night brigades.
Regarding the revaluation of the premium, Louis Aliot admits that when the brigade was created “we had said that as we move forward in time, we would look according to the city budget if we could do more“. But according to the mayor, the health crisis weighs on finances and “the city budget is not expandable“.
“If it is possible to do better, we will try to do better, the door is not closed“, assures Louis Aliot.