Agence santé Québec: Dubé takes the world for a suitcase, claim the Liberals

Minister Dubé is seeking to “unload” his ministerial responsibility by creating the Agence santé Québec, believes Liberal MP André Fortin.

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André Fortin believes that Christian Dubé “takes the world for suitcases” by suggesting that “to have an additional box in the organization chart of the Ministry of Health” would make it possible to avoid people waiting on the ground in the emergency room.

“To claim that these situations would not occur if there was one more civil servant, I find that it is useless low politics. It has no place, ”he cursed on the sidelines of the PLQ pre-sessional caucus, Wednesday morning, in Lac-Beauport.

The creation of the Agence santé Québec has all the air, in the eyes of the Liberal MP, of a “civil servant’s solution”, which Minister Dubé would use to protect himself, by rejecting the responsibility on others.

“The minister, it looks like he wants to stay in his ivory tower, in his ministry in Quebec, and move officials from left to right. This is not what will solve the issues in the health network, ”he said.

“He can’t just direct us to an Agency CEO and tell us it’s going to be okay,” added Mr. Fortin. The responsibility is his.”

The Liberal MP does not see what is positive in the government’s proposals to improve the state of the health network, even if he agrees that he will have to study these proposals further before making a decision definitive.

“We know what the issues are in the health network,” he said. There are not enough people in the network.

More details to come…

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