against the high cost of living, families prefer local holidays

How enjoy summer and holidays despite the high cost of living? In the Loiret, several towns offer free entertainment on the banks of the Loire. This is the case in Jargeau (from July 9 to 30) or in Sully (from July 9 to August 7), in the Loiret. If swimming is not possible, these events allow families affected by the economic crisis to take advantage of the summer by staying in the region.

Adeline comes regularly with her children to Jargeau beach, this year she will not go on vacation. Coming to Jargeau offers him “a holiday setting” she explains. “Financially we are tight, so we take advantage of the things that are done here to benefit the children and be in the sun“says the young mother of the family.

Reduced holiday budget

Last June, inflation reached 5.8% over one year, according to INSEE. An increase of 0.6% compared to May, driven in particular by the rise in energy and food prices.

Of the higher prices which therefore weigh on the budget Loiret families. Sophie Heron, the mayor of Jargeau (unlabeled) is well aware of this situation: “there are people who don’t go on vacation, so here it’s a place where you can listen to concerts, stay on your deckchair without spending money, we know that purchasing power is a major issue“.

Activities in the region

A situation that already existed last year, “I had families telling me their story and thanking me since they couldn’t go on vacation” testifies Clément Rigal delegated adviser to the event at the municipal council of Jargeau.

A local holidaythis is also what Ludivine does with her children, “activities in the area, the zoo, shelters, Jargeau beach“, a program for she said, “have a nice holiday“.

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