again, the specter of a global food crisis

In addition to the war in Ukraine, the impact of which is felt everywhere, there are the climatic problems, or even the lack of fertilizer. The coming crisis could kill hundreds of thousands of people.

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This year, it is estimated that nearly 10% of the world’s population suffered from hunger. This represents some 800 million people on the planet. A dramatic situation that could get even worse next year if there is not a mobilization of all.

The concern is so great that France organized a specific meeting on the subject this week on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. Among the most affected countries, those of the Horn of Africa: there is talk of famine, particularly in Somalia, but we can add the countries of the Sahel, Madagascar or Afghanistan, which specialists believe is in ” food insecurity”.

Several factors explain this situation: energy prices, the cost of transport, conflicts in the world, global warming, and since this year the lack of fertilizer. This deterioration of the situation has made the UN Secretary General say that if nothing is done, there will not be enough food in the world in 2023.

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The NGO Solidarités International has just launched a famine warning campaign. “The fact that the price of fertilizers has increased is now increasingly taken into account, after a few months of focus on the question of the price of wheat, linked to the difficulties of exporting from Ukraine.recognizes its general manager Kevin Goldberg. But it all comes together, pushing prices up and making it harder and harder to buy food.

“It is estimated that by the end of the year, we have a risk of half a million starvation deaths.’

Kevin Goldberg

at franceinfo

This problem of lack of food is so important that France intends to organize in Paris before the next G20 in November, a meeting of managers of fertilizer companies, to intensify production as quickly as possible.

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