after toilet paper, other products could experience a major shortage, discover the list

In addition to plunging a country into chaos and causing turmoil around the world, a war can directly impact neighboring countries in terms of trade. The proof is in what is currently happening in Ukraine and which affects us directly. Fortunately, France does not suffer the bombs sent by the army of Vladimir Putin to that of his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky. However, some products usually available in supermarkets may soon disappear or see their prices increase.

This is already the case with toilet paper, as recalled by Michel-Edouard Leclerc, owner of the Leclerc brand, on BFM-TV a few days ago. This revealed that the “Toilet paper prices will rise dramatically”. On the other hand, this was not going to lead to a shortage, provided that the French behave well and do not rush on toilet paper as during the first confinement. “There will be no shortage unless consumers trigger it themselves.”

After toilet paper, oil?

However, one product could well and truly experience a real shortage if things do not change: sunflower oil. Especially since Ukraine is the largest producer of sunflower oil in the world. In fact, fries, crisps, ready meals or biscuits… All these products could disappear from the radar because sunflower oil is the main ingredient in the composition of more than “8000 products” as the Association of processed food products (Adepale).

Fortunately, manufacturers have taken the lead and have already started replacing sunflower oil with something else. Jérôme Foucault, president of Adepale, took stock of the situation. “Some manufacturers are already close to a shortage of sunflower oil. As of next week, some will be forced to replace it with rapeseed oil, soybean oil or even Palm oil”he indicated.

See also: War in Ukraine: Anne-Sophie Lapix finds herself on the spot, details of the incredible device…


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