After thinking about suicide, has Zahia Dehar just announced her entry into the porn industry? Nikita Bellucci pissed!

A few weeks ago, Zahia Dehar spoke during a rather disturbing live Instagram since she mentioned her ex-companion who had made her live through a real hell. But that’s not all since she had given herself up on her suicidal desires. “JI feel so so alone. I am psychologically destroyed. Look I even tried to slit my veins not long ago, trying to die (…) I’m trying to kill myself every day, it’s awful, I didn’t know that it was so dangerous to run into those kinds of people. I had heard that many victims of narcissistic perverts wanted to commit suicide and I realize that it’s true I’m starting to want to die. I have no more hope for my life, I have nothing more“, she confided in tears.

Before continuing: “AI used to shine, I met him, he brainwashed me and now he sees me all destroyed because of him, he’s a manipulator (…) I want help, I please, I don’t know what to do (…) he planned everything to take everything I had, all my happiness and then throw me away. I feel like I can’t get out of it, I’m psychologically destroyed to a point that’s extreme for me.”

Since then, the young woman has long disappeared from social networks. But little by little, Zahia Dehar seems to be getting back on her feet since she started posting again on her account. While she had just put a selfie where she was dressed as the red riding hood, Nikita Belluci could not help but make the comparison, saying: “If the wolf was there, he would eat it.” A user then bounced back saying: “Do you want to make a scene with her?”. The X star then recalled that she did not exercise this profession there.

“I know but you never know, she has already shot in a film where she did nude scenes even if it was for classic cinema so good” then added the subscriber. Not the type to let it go and even less when you attack her friend, Nikita Belluci then recalled: “and ? It’s not because she has done nude that she will immediately do porn. It’s inappropriate to speak for him.”. That is what is said!

See also: Zahia party

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