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6:05 p.m. : It’s 6 p.m., it’s pitch dark, it’s time to brighten up your evening with the latest news.
• Between 18,000 and 50,000 people took to the streets in Paris to protest against gender-based and sexual violence, a figure that was only half the number two years ago, but which the organizers were nonetheless pleased with.
• An interministerial crisis unit was convened this evening to discuss the situation in Guadeloupe, where demonstrations against vaccination have taken an insurrectionary turn in recent days. We expect a speech from Gérald Darmanin in an hour, and it will be to follow in our direct.
The mobilization to demand the release of the Chinese player Peng Shuai, who disappeared after denouncing a forced sexual intercourse by a senior official of the Chinese Communist Party, is increasing. The regime released a video where she pronounces the current date, in an attempt to extinguish the controversy.
PSG resumes its march forward. With his dream attack Mbappé, Neymar and Messi, the Parisians lead 1-0 at the break against Nantes. Follow the second period in our live.
5:44 p.m. : @Gabrielle In fact, when the vaccination was really opened to the greatest number, only Pfizer (and to a lesser extent Astra Zeneca) managed to supply vials in large quantities. Hence the fact that the American vaccine has never really broken through in France.
5:43 p.m. : Thank you for the answer but is it a government choice not to use the Janssen vaccine? Do you know more? Thank you !
17:37 : Besides, that’s good, we just published this article on the usefulness of the 3rd booster dose, recommended for over 40s.
5:35 p.m. : @Gabrielle The protection offered by the Janssen single-dose vaccine is not considered sufficient against the Delta variant, all third doses must be given with a messenger RNA vaccine, such as Pfizer for example. You are a rarity: only 2% of the French have been vaccinated with the American serum.

17:31 : Hello Pierre, if I understand correctly, having received the Janssen vaccine and my Nouvelle Aquitaine region does not have any in stock, I have few options: refusing the other vaccines, I will not have a booster or I try to get an appointment in another region which has the Janssen in stock, which is not won. Why is Janssen little or little used? Do you have a lead? thank you
5:28 p.m. : @mumunording: As can be seen in this table, the stocks available to the regions consist of 90% doses of the vaccine from Pfizer-BioNTech. Hence the fact that it is easier to be injected with this vaccine rather than the other. Regarding their effectiveness, it remains very comparable, I refer you to our FAQ on vaccines that our Benedictines … sorry … that our journalists have been updating for a year.
4:38 p.m. : Hello France Info, can you explain to me why I cannot find any 3rd dose reminder appointment for my 69-year-old mother-in-law but only in Pfizer? In the spring, I had heard that Moderna had better protection than Pfizer AstraZeneca and Janssen so why the government obliges all over 65s to have the obligation under sanctions of loss of health pass 6 months after their 2nd injection regardless of the vaccination. I thank you in advance for your response, have a good weekend, best regards
3:59 p.m. : The prefect of Guadeloupe announced yesterday the establishment of a curfew from 6 p.m. to 5 a.m., due to the clashes that erupted on the sidelines of the mobilization against the health pass. On the spot, the decision irritates the inhabitants, who evoke “a provocation”.

3:59 p.m. : Hello @Khaki, according to the Ministry of the Interior, 29 people were arrested last night in Guadeloupe, due to looting, fires and shots targeting the police. Blockades resumed this morning against the health pass, according to AFP. Some roads are still blocked and new roadblocks are being put in place.
3:38 p.m. : And the situation in Guadeloupe, do you have any information? thank you
3:32 p.m. : The Rennes University Hospital (Ille-et-Vilaine) has decided to activate the white plan, in the face of the increase in arrivals of patients with Covid-19. “The CHU is caring for 41 Covid patients, that’s twice as many as two weeks ago. The number of patients admitted to critical care has increased fourfold”, explains France Télévisions journalist Manon Le Charpentier:
3:03 p.m. : Thousands of demonstrators gathered at midday in Vienna (Austria), to protest against the announcement of confinement until December 13 and the vaccination obligation from February 1. The far-right FPÖ party called for a protest, but its leader, who tested positive for Covid-19, was absent.

2:55 p.m. : The Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin and the Minister of Overseas Sébastien Lecornu will chair at 6 pm an interministerial crisis unit on the situation in Guadeloupe. “The ministers condemn the violence which took place last night (…) 29 individuals were arrested last night”, specifies the Ministry of the Interior.
2:57 p.m. : 2 pm, let’s take a look at the news:
• The feminist collective #NousToutes, with some sixty associations, unions and political parties, calls for demonstrations this afternoon to say “stop” to gender-based and sexual violence and “demand public policies to match”. Demonstrations begin in Paris and in several other cities. Follow our live.
Prime Minister Jean Castex presented the “Destination France” plan to revive tourism in the country. The government particularly wishes to facilitate the “50,000 young people between the ages of 18 and 25 leave on vacation, as well as 100,000 seniors per year until 2025 “, he announced.
• The State has decided to establish a curfew from 6 p.m. to 5 a.m. in Guadeloupe, due to the “ongoing social movements and acts of vandalism” originating in the mobilization against the health pass, specifies the prefecture.
• Police fire left several injured yesterday in Rotterdam (Netherlands), during a demonstration against partial containment measures.
1:57 p.m. : More than 1.2 million deliveries, between March 2020 and September 2021, were analyzed for this research. According to a large study by US health authorities, the risk of stillbirth is twice as high for pregnant women with Covid-19 than for women who have not contracted the disease.

12:05 : Noon, let’s take a look at the news of the day:
• The State has decided to establish a curfew from 6 p.m. to 5 a.m. in Guadeloupe, due to the “ongoing social movements and acts of vandalism” originating in the mobilization against the health pass, specifies the prefecture.
• The feminist collective #NousToutes, with some sixty associations, unions and political parties, calls for demonstrations to say “stop” to gender-based and sexual violence, and “demand public policies to match”. Demonstrations are expected from 2 p.m. in Paris and in several other cities.
• Police fire left several injured yesterday in Rotterdam (Netherlands), during a demonstration against partial containment measures.
• Jean Castex is traveling to Indre-et-Loire today, to present a plan to revive the tourism sector in France, which has been severely affected by the Covid-19 epidemic. Follow our live.
11:31 : Hello @Marc, police fire left several injured yesterday during a demonstration against health restrictions in Rotterdam (Netherlands). People attending the rally set a police car on fire, threw stones and set off fireworks.
“Warning shots were fired several times. At one point the situation became so dangerous that officers felt compelled to shoot at targets.”, justified the police. Police fire and violence left at least seven injured, including police officers. There was no death, according to a latest report.
11:31 : Hello, would it be possible to find out what happened in the Netherlands where the police allegedly shot at demonstrators. Why these shots, how many wounded? are there any deaths? thanks in advance
11:25 a.m. : In the Netherlands, a new demonstration against health restrictions linked to the Covid-19 epidemic was canceled today in Amsterdam, in the aftermath of the violence that erupted in Rotterdam, during a demonstration against measures of partial containment.
10h59 : Thousands of opponents of vaccination against Covid-19 demonstrated today in several cities of Australia, to denounce compulsory vaccination, which is however required only by a few states and territories for certain professional categories. Police say up to 10,000 people gathered in Sydney.
9:50 a.m. : “We need to have scientific data to make an informed choice.”
On franceinfo, virologist Bruno Lina, member of the Scientific Council, advocates “a reasonable and reasoned approach” before validating the administration of a third dose for all French people. According to him, “it is better to have scientific evidence to make a decision than to make intuitive decisions”.
09:51 : Hello @msieurrico. According to the authorities, at least seven people were injured, including several police officers, during violence during a demonstration opposing partial containment measures yesterday in Rotterdam (Netherlands). The first reports do not show any deaths linked to this violence.
“Warning shots were fired several times. At one point, the situation became so dangerous that officers felt compelled to shoot at targets. “, police said, acknowledging that“there are wounded linked to the shots fired”.
09:07 : 9 hours and a few minutes, here is a first point on the news:
• The State has decided to establish a curfew from 6 p.m. to 5 a.m. in Guadeloupe, due to the “ongoing social movements and acts of vandalism” originating in the mobilization against the health pass, specifies the prefecture.
• Police fire left several injured yesterday in Rotterdam (Netherlands), during a demonstration against partial containment measures.
• “We will continue to fight, we will not let go of our fishermen”, assured Emmanuel Macron yesterday, after the evocation of a compensation plan for French fishermen who would lose their licenses for British waters.
• Monaco won a draw () against Lille in Matchday 14 of Ligue 1.