After the suicide of Jean-Claude Joly, a farmer from “Love is in the meadow” on “death row”…

Terrible news for fans of Love is in the meadow… The week, for all those who adore the flagship program ofM6hosted by Karine Le Marchand, never ceases to be complicated to digest… Indeed, a few days ago, we learned with great emotion of the death of Jean-Claude Joly, a well-known candidate for rural reality TV.

Sad news that obviously upset the host of the program. She took to her Instagram account to pay her a vibrant tribute, writing in particular: “My Jean-Claude, words fail me, but not my tears. Thank you for giving me so much joy and affection at each of our reunions. You have chosen to say stop, so rest in peace. My thoughts go to Maud and your little Charlotte”. But the facilitator could well be again saddened by discovering the recent statements of Mathieu.

On “death row” but brave above all!

The one who is in a relationship with Alexandre, and great friend of Karine Le Marchand, gave a moving interview to our colleagues from Closer. The farmer, suffering from Cadalsi’s disease, a rare and genetic pathology which can cause strokes as well as major epileptic seizures, admitted that he was flabbergasted when he learned of his diagnosis. “It was like waiting on death row”he confided before admitting that it took him a long time to become aware of his illness: “For two months, I did not leave my house. I had a real depression”.

After a very complicated period, the ex-candidate of Love is in the meadow however assured our colleagues that he wanted “take back control” and that he had decided to “to fight” because he has “chosen to live with the disease and to suffer it more”. He assures him, this bad news will not prevent him from living his life as he sees fit: “I have a serious illness and I want to fulfill my dreams to nourish my body and my mind with happiness”. Strong words, and proof of great courage on his part.

See also: Urgent – death of one of the most famous farmers of “Love is in the meadow”: Jean-Claude Joly found hanged…


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