after the slippage of singer Dave, Cyril Hanouna explains why he refuses to sue him!

Monday, June 19, 2023, Dave was invited on the set of the show “Buzz TV” from Figaro Magazine. Now 79 years old, the singer thus signed a rare public appearance after the terrible domestic accident which he suffered recently and which almost cost him his life.

Faced with Sarah Lecoeuvre and Nicolas Vollaire, Dave first returned to his long and admirable career before being asked about his “enemies” in the world of show business. “I don’t really have any enemies, obviously there are some I don’t particularly like,” the singer began.

Against all odds, he then admitted that he did not carry Cyril Hanouna in his heart and told an anecdote that occurred a few years ago on the radio: “He was on Europe 1, he knew that I didn’t like him too much and he told me live on the radio. He rose in my esteem, he said to me ‘it seems that you don’t don’t like’, I found it courageous. It was Cyril Hanouna. I knew him before his success and I don’t really like how he talks to people, even to his columnists and columnists” declared the interpreter of the tube “On the side of Swann’s”.

Dave then went completely off the rails by continuing to explain why he doesn’t like the host of the C8 channel: “He talks to people as if he takes us for children, that annoys me a little. He makes me a little anti-Semitic and since my father was Jewish…”.

Cyril Hanouna reacts to Dave’s shocking remarks
This Wednesday, June 21, 2023, Cyril Hanouna reacted to this interview and did not hesitate to broadcast the sequence live on his show “Touche pas à mon poste”. From the outset, the columnists expressed their amazement at the comments made by Dave. “He’s half senile, he says nonsense! And if he’s not senile, you have to attack him because it’s very serious to say that, anti-Semitism is a crime!” thus launched Gilles Verdez.

For his part, Cyril Hanouna has shown wisdom: “He pains me Dave, I’m not going to attack him, who cares! It’s very serious but hey, he’s 75 years old…” he said before deploring the lack of reaction from the CSA or anti-racism associations: “What bothers me more are the reactions of others, no one says anything, there is no report, there is no fine, no sanctions…”.


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