After the shock confidences of a disappointed extra, Stromae also lifts the veil on the shooting of a legendary clip that turned into a nightmare: “It was hell”!

Stromae is on all fronts! After several months of discretion, the darling of Coralie Barbier signs his big comeback with a new album entitled “Multitude”. A project that conquered the crowds and he took his time to record it out of sight. In the past, the young dad experienced a terrible descent into hell after his organized tour in Africa. In the columns of Releasethe star is also entrusted on the subject.

“After 150 dates, I was flat. I couldn’t stand my anti-malaria treatment, it gave me hallucinations. I believed that I had rocked in the madness, one diagnosed me a psychic decompensation. I could have done something stupid, I was no longer myself”, confessed the singer. To promote his new opus, Stromae multiplies the interviews. Recently, the artist gave an exclusive interview to our colleagues from Konbini. Facing the camera, the interpreter of “Formidable” dissected some of his clips. The opportunity for him to indulge in his filming. In particular for that of “All the same” which was a hit in 2013.

But putting it in a box was not easy for the principal concerned. The day before the shooting organized in Venice, his teams seemed lost as to the artistic direction to take. Just like Stromae. “This shoot was hell because it was super cold, as there was not a lot of budget for what we wanted to do, we were in a kind of hangar with a draft of phew […] we froze them, it was unbearable”, assured the ex-companion of Tatiana Silva. And that’s all!

Filming the scenes in bed was just as complicated as Stromae pointed out. Indeed, the cushion was frequently taken away. The director of the clip ended up losing patience. “We did twenty takes with the pillow that wouldn’t hold. The real at one point yelled at the guy from the decoration, he said to him: ‘you hang up this f***** cushion because I can’t take it anymore’, remembered Stromae. Finally, the sequence was shot vertically… All’s well that ends well!


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