after the shelling of Kramatorsk, many residents refuse to flee despite fear

In this city of Donbass, a region where the Russian army continues to advance, civilians sometimes prefer to stay than to see their families separated. Others make it a matter of patriotism and believe in the victory of the Ukrainian forces.

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“We haven’t slept much in the past 45 days. We work 24 hours a day, including weekends,” sighs Alexandre Goncharenko, Sunday April 10, the mayor of Kramatorsk, has eyes ringed with fatigue. This city of Donbass, in the east of Ukraine, was targeted by a bombardment by the Russian army on Friday in which dozens of civilians perished. The chosen one called on his inhabitants to flee but he is not about to leave: “Personally, I intend to stay as long as possible, but I can never live under the control of the Russians or the separatists.”

“The hardest part is making the decision to leave the city at the right time, because if I stay and the Russians come, I risk being executed or arrested.”

Alexander Goncharenko, Mayor of Karamatorsk

at franceinfo

This risk, Maria is ready to take it. This 65-year-old retiree is sitting in front of a building typical of the Soviet years. “I don’t want to leave. I am a patriot, I will die here”, she tells us. “Do you trust the Ukrainian army to defend you?”we ask him. “Yes, 100%, I believe in her. Our soldiers are the strongest. Here there are people who support the Russians and I know they will report me if the city falls under their control. But I don’t am not afraid.”

Maria, a resident of Kramatorsk says to herself "patriot" and refuses to leave town.  (GILLES GALLINARO / RADIO FRANCE)

In this largely deserted city, we also meet Inna, mother of a three-year-old girl. She and her husband refuse to pack up: “I can’t abandon my grandparents. They are 85 years old. I’m scared, but I have no other solution.” Aware of the danger that threatens, these inhabitants, who have decided to stay at all costs, are preparing for difficult days.

These civilians who refuse to flee the war in Kramatorsk: the report by Omar Ouahmane


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