after the riots, the executive on the ground to provide answers


Video length: 2 min.


The President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, and the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, were both on the move, Thursday July 6, respectively in the Hautes-Pyrénées and in Calvados. The executive wishes to occupy the field and react to the riots which have affected France in recent days.

On the one hand, Emmanuel Macron is at the arrival of the stage of the Tour de France, in the Hautes-Pyrénées, Thursday July 6. On the other, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne visits traders affected by the riots, in Calvados. The Head of State began his trip by going to Pau (Pyrénées-Atlantiques), at the invitation of his ally François Bayrou. “First, the first response is order, calm, harmony, and then, [la réponse]is to work on the root causes of what happened“, he assured the press.

Elisabeth Borne in Calvados

In Lisieux (Calvados), Elisabeth Borne visited the priority district of Hauteville and spoke with the inhabitants. “Our first priority is first and foremost to guarantee safety, and that is the whole point of the exceptional means that we have deployed. And then, it was also important for me to have an exchange with elected officials, associations of the territory to, beyond, see the lessons that we must draw from this crisis“, she said. Security, education and justice are the projects envisaged by the executive.

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