after the riots, the Bus du Coeur returns to the road


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1 minute

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – B. Six, F. Prabonnaud, M. Czaplicki, A. Belderrain, L. Sabas, J. Vlasseman, France 3 Regions

France Televisions

In Lille, the Bus du Cœur, which offers free cardiovascular disease screenings to women, was able to resume its tour. It burned during the riots last June. A large prize pool was then launched to raise funds.

The Heart Bus, in motion. It has been three months since he last traveled the roads of France to meet women. On June 28, after the death of Nahel, killed by a police officer, France was set ablaze. The bus, on a stopover in Bobigny (Seine-Saint-Denis), was completely ravaged by flames. The foundation had launched a call for donations to finance the purchase of 300,000 euros of equipment.

3,500 donors

The bus now welcomes women again, for a complete health check-up. A rediscovery also for health professionals. “It’s an intense emotion. Our bus is better than our bus that we loved. And it’s true that this enthusiasm from the population has touched us enormously”, confides Claire Mounier Véhier, cardiologist and co-founder of the Bus du Cœur des Femmes. 3,500 donors helped raise the funds necessary for the restart.

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