after the revocation of the right to abortion, the LGBT + communities worried about marriage for all

While the Supreme Court of the United States has revoked the right to abortion, some Americans are worried about future measures emanating from the institution, in particular for LGBT + rights.

Article written by

Loig Loury, edited by Camille Descroix – franceinfo

French Radio



Reading time : 1 min.

In the United States, after abortion, could marriage for all be threatened by the Supreme Court? Legitimate concern given the very conservative ideological positioning of the institution. “The Court is taking us down an extreme and dangerous path”, explained American President Joe Biden, after the announcement of the cancellation of the right to abortion on American soil. Enough to cast a shadow over the gay pride of New York, Sunday, June 26.

Under a blazing sun, thousands of people gather in the streets of Manhattan. An ideal day for this 53rd Pride Parade in New York. This year, family planning is at the start of the procession. The decision of the Supreme Court to cancel the right to abortion is nevertheless in everyone’s head. That of Tracy in particular: “What are we going to do? We can’t give up. We have to fight. Black people fought against slavery for 400 years, without giving up. We can’t whine. Saying that “There’s nothing we can do… No! Be angry, be aware. We need to do more”.

And after women’s rights, will the Court attack those of the LGBT community and gay marriage in particular? Without a doubt, assure Tracy and his wife Josie. “Judge Thomas said it: then it’s gay rights, gay privacy, then contraception.

“These people are crazy, completely crazy. And the Democratic Party sucks.”

“They are weak, they do nothing, laments Tracy. So where are we going? Portugal, Spain? Who wants to welcome us? We are old!”. Beyond the joke, both recognize that they are not optimistic. The Democrats, in particular, could lose their majority in Congress next November.

In the United States, after the revocation of the right to abortion, the LGBT+ communities are worried about marriage for all. A report by Loig Loury

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