after the revelation of a secret defense document, Benjamin Netanyahu weakened in Israel

The Israeli Prime Minister has been abandoned by some of his supporters, while criticism mounts against him after the revelation of a document which precisely describes the scenario of the October 7 attack.

He “knew“, and the controversy begins to swell in Israel. Already strongly criticized by the families of the hostages for the intensification of bombings on the Gaza Strip while more than 200 people are still detained by Hamas, Benjamin Netanyahu is now at the heart of the controversy for not having anticipated the attack of October 7, even though a secret defense document, revealed Monday October 30, warned of a risk of attack.

This is what the former Minister of Defense, Avidgor Liberman, accuses him of, who himself signed this note and which he says he delivered in person to Netanyahu, already Prime Minister at the time. Avigdor Liberman precisely describes the scenario of the October 7 attack with the offensive on Israeli villages, the risk of hostage-taking and the limits of the safety barrier. “I say that Hamas is arming itself and gaining power, he indicated in an interview given Saturday evening according to the Times of Israel.

The head of the Israeli government, put in difficulty by these accusations, sees his popularity weaken in public opinion, which has become increasingly critical since October 7. “Israeli society continues to stick together, for now. But when the war is over, there will be many questions”, says Pavel, encountered in a street in Jerusalem. And many of them think so. “Benyamin Netanyahu is a talented politician, but he has little chance of remaining in the power he has held for around twenty years”continues this man of Russian origin who says he knows what he is talking about.

Some, like this father, have until now supported the Prime Minister, but could well change their mind. “The future will tellhe said, The next few days will be decisive.” And if the election were held tomorrow, would he vote for Netanyahu again? “Probably not, at this point.”he replies.

However, there remain some who are extremely convinced: “I love it, it’s the best“, says Menachen, an ultra-orthodox, like Yuda, who regrets that “The whole world is falling on him. His task is not easy, but I trust him!”

After the revelation of a secret defense document, Benjamin Netanyahu weakened in Israel: the report by Agathe Mahuet and Jérémy Tuil

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