after the radical decision, the group loses part of its public, “disappointed”!

It was with great surprise that Nicola Sirkis and his acolytes learned that they were finally going to perform in Perpignan for the festival “Les Déferlantes Sud de France”, initially planned for Céret. A decision that did not convince the group and this in part because of the mayor who leads the new designated city. Indeed, it is Louis Aliot, mayor RN, who manages the city in the south of France. A political side with which the Indochina group does not have any chemistry.

This is why the artists have made it known that they are canceling their visit between July 6 and 9, 2023, in particular because this decision had been taken without their agreement. “Festival Tour 2023 / Info Les Déferlantes: Yesterday morning, we were presented with the fait accompli, that the Festival Les Déferlantes, where we are scheduled on July 8, was moving to Perpignan instead of the site initially planned”, first made the band known on their social media.

The Indochina decision does not pass at all

Subsequently, Indochine adds: “Last night, the RN mayor of Perpignan tweeted that he was happy to host the Festival Les Déferlantes. We expressly ask the management of Les Déferlantes to move this festival to another place, otherwise we will cancel our visit”. An announcement that obviously did not fail to react. On the side of the RN at first, with the speech of Jordan Bardella who says he is shocked by the decision of the group.

“There is no courage in that: rather snobbery and above all the contempt of thousands of their loyal fans who are also – and it is their right – RN voters”, he cursed. But the president of the National Rally was not the only one to express his disappointment and anger. Many tweeters also deplored the choice of Indochina. “Freedom of opinion and everything? And the people who have booked and cannot go to Perpignan, how do they do it?”for example, asked one Internet user before another asked: “And boycott these jerks…”. Others accuse them of not respecting the freedom that the group has always advocated: “These little scumbags who have been advocating freedom since the 70s… May this group not come and stay at home”. It remains to be seen whether Nicola Sirkis and his acolytes will reconsider their decision after the anger aroused by their choice.

See also: Public Zap: Maurane responds to criticism from Nicola Sirkis and tackles it nicely!


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