After the passage of Jordan Bardella in “C to you”, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine and her team are atomized by Internet users!

Every week in “It’s up to you”,Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine and her team discuss countless current topics with their guests. This Tuesday, March 7, 2023, it is Jordan Bardella, the president of the National Gathering who was invited to the famous talk show. The opportunity for them to discuss the sixth day of mobilization against the pension reform orchestrated that same day. According to the estimates of the CGT, 3.5 million demonstrators would have expressed their anger everywhere in France. Against 1.28 million according to the Ministry of the Interior.

“A historic mobilization in which you did not participate Jordan Bardella, neither you, nor the elected representatives of the National Rally”, pointed out Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine to the address of the politician. “We had very largely taken our shares in the National Assembly…” defended the companion of Nolwenn Olivier before being interrupted by the host. “Here, I am talking to you about the demonstrations in the street”, replied the latter. “In these demonstrations […] which translate this ‘no’ of the French people with regard to the reform, there were many of our members, our militants, our elected officials, and then many of our voters too. In these processions, there are many people who voted for Marine Le Pen…”, specified his interlocutor, impassive.

But during his tirade, Patrick Cohen also cut him off: “There were a large number of parties, especially left-wing parties. And it is unimaginable to see there a banner of the National Rally in a movement”. “With whom they are very hard the unions”, said Jordan Bardella. And to add: “Because the unions say to France Insoumise: ‘Do your job, we do ours’. And I think that’s the state of mind that we should be in…”. “There will never be a National Rally banner in this kind of demonstration?!”, asked Patrick Cohen then.

“No, because if I put up a Rassemblement National banner as party president, you’re going to say to me: ‘But don’t you feel like you’re doing a bit of political recuperation?!’ analyzed the politician. “No, but I’m talking to you about your supporters. About your voters”, added Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine. “At 70%, they support the request for withdrawal from the inter-union project”. “But they are right…”, replied Jordan Bardella. “It is precisely the position that…”. “But will they understand that you are not calling to demonstrate?”, decided the presenter.

to see also: “I have the impression of having made love …”: Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine lets go live against Matthieu Chedid

“It’s incredible the arrogance of journalists…”

Once again interrupted, Jordan Bardella wanted to go to the end of his speech: “Listen, I think this majority of refusal, of almost 80% of French people who do not want this pension reform…”. “68%…” breathed Patrick Cohen. “Yes, we were at almost 72% in the last poll”, he assured while the journalist seemed surprised by his figures. An interview followed closely by many Internet users. But for some of them, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine and her colleagues would have been ruthless with the ex-right arm of Marine Le Pen.

“It’s unbelievable the arrogance of the journalists on this show. Including the presenter. These journalists that I liked are more and more arrogant towards the policies they receive when they do not share the same ideas. […] Very limited reception”, “Cohen […] Caricatural to the point of no longer being credible with its leading questions”, “The implicit support for Macron’s reform”, can we read on Twitter. Or : “Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, you do primary and grotesque anti RN”, “Madame Lemoine, Mr. Cohen why invite Jordan Bardella, you seem to despise him”, “Madame Lemoine, your parents did not teach you that it was rude to cut the floor like you always do and especially when an elected RN is on your show? Atmosphere…


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