after the ousting of the boss of the PJ of Marseilles, hundreds of officers gathered throughout France

Rallies took place all over France to protest against the dismissal of the boss of the PJ of Marseille, in the context of a highly contested reform.

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Hundreds of judicial police officers gathered on Friday October 7 throughout France, indicates the France Bleu network. Opposed to the reform of their sector, this time they supported Éric Arella, dismissed from his post as boss of the southern zone of the PJ.

At the Marseille police station, dozens of officers gave their boss a standing ovation on departure, according to a video sent to franceinfo by a source familiar with the matter. “They fired the directors one by one, it’s dictatorial”protests on France Bleu Loire Océan a policewoman reunited with forty of her colleagues who threw their handcuffs on the ground in front of their police station in Nantes.

The “judicial police” bib crossed out with a black ribbon, they also gathered by the dozen in Orléans, Bayonne, Reims or Nancy. “It’s faster to fire a boss who supports” its teams “only a boss who makes them suffer”denounced this Friday on Twitter, the secretary general of the SGP-Police FO Unit union.

Several calls to demonstrate have already been launched for October 17 against this reform. The government wishes to place all departmental police services under the authority of a new manager, a Departmental Director of the National Police. The judicial police, which specializes in complex investigations, is dedicated to integrating the same investigation sector as public security, which is in charge of day-to-day delinquency.

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