An individual lost a lamb after a wild animal attack near Mifaget. This Monday, the national office for hunting and wildlife (ONCFS) came to appraise the corpse but it would seem, given the size of the fangs, that it is the work of a wolf or hybrid wolf . It has been raging in the plain towards Bruges-Capbis-Migafet for three years and it is getting closer to the houses. Already last year, this lone wolf attacked two sheep near a school in Bruges. This situation worries the inhabitants of the plain to such an extent that “the beast” became a divisive topic of conversation. Some think that the wolf should be captured, for others a cohabitation is possible by better protecting the herds, using patous or electric barriers.
The mayor asks for help
In three years, the wolf has already killed nearly 60 sheep in the plains and in the mountains, according to François Lescloupé the mayor of Bruges-Capbis-Mifaget. He feels overwhelmed: “We want the state to take responsibility and take care of capturing the beast. This wolf causes us problems: it stays with us in winter to predate, then follows the herd during transhumance and attacks in the mountains. When there is three or four dead sheep in the commune, people are affected. We have to do something.” The mayor fears that other wolves will arrive and form a pack. Already two breeders from Bruges no longer let their herds graze alone, for fear of predation.