After the indictment of the owner of the site Jacquie et Michel for complicity in rape, Canal + suspends the broadcasting of the porn channel

The Jacquie and Michel TV channel has been offering amateur videos as well as reports and interviews on the world of porn since June 23, 2020.

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A suspension effective since Friday. The Canal+ group confirmed, Monday, June 20, the end of the broadcast of the porn channel Jacquie and Michel TV on its bouquets, following the indictment for complicity in rape of the owner of the site of the same name. “Given the current events concerning the group publishing the Jacquie et Michel TV channel and while awaiting additional information, the Canal+ group has decided to suspend its broadcast”said the latter in a press release.

Asked by AFP, the Canal + group did not wish to specify how many people were subscribed to the channel. It was launched on June 23, 2020 and was broadcast exclusively on Canal+ bouquets. Included in the most complete offer (Intégrale+) and integrated into a pack of channels for adults at 18 euros per month, Jacquie et Michel TV was also available as a stand-alone option at 6 euros per month. According to the description of the Canal+ offers, Jacquie et Michel TV was broadcast “every day, from midnight to five o’clock in the morning”and offered amateur videos as well as reports and interviews on the world of porn.

Arrested on June 14 with his wife and three men as part of a vast investigation into suspicions of excesses in amateur porn, the owner of the Jacquie et Michel site, Michel Piron, 64, was indicted on Friday for ” complicity in rape” and “trafficking in human beings in an organized gang”. Facts he disputes. The day after this decision, the spokesperson for Dare feminism!, had called “to close the television channel Jacquie et Michel” on Canal+. “Jacquie and Michel must stop their broadcasts” who show “videos of rape, crime scenes”, had denounced Céline Piques, Saturday, on franceinfo.

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