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Monday, December 27, a health defense council followed by a Council of Ministers, were held. The executive therefore drew up new rules to combat the Fifth Wave and the Omicron threat.
In the face of the surge in Covid-19 cases, the government has taken new measures. The executive continues to focus on immunization and has shortened the timeframe for its booster dose: it is now three months after the last injection. The draft law on the vaccine pass has been presented and could be implemented as of January 15 if adopted by Parliament. Prime Minister Jean Castex also promised tougher penalties for health pass fraud.
Another measure adopted: the return of gauges. Indeed, gatherings will now be limited in number. Indoors, a maximum capacity of 2,000 people has been adopted and 5,000 outdoors. The outdoor mask is once again compulsory in the city center. Teleworking is once again compulsory three days a week, for sectors where remote work is possible. The consumption of food or drink is prohibited in transport or in cinemas. No curfew has been taken, and the same goes for the start of the school year, which will not be postponed.