after the “grippette”, the most famous doctor of the PAF gives his prognosis for France / Argentina and is torn!

This Wednesday, December 14, 2022, the Atlas Lions lost to the France team. After the match, BFM TV wanted to interview Michel Cymès. The famous doctor was thus able to give his opinion on the final of the 2022 World Cup. For the moment, it seems mixed. “I feel both proud and happy to know that we are once again in the World Cup final, it’s extraordinary. But I won’t hide from you that I also feel a little worried, telling myself that if the Argentinians watched the Blues play tonight, they won’t have nightmares. I’m a little torn… I’m happy to qualify this evening, but I’m still a little bit on Sunday and I tell myself that Didier (Deschamps, nldr) will have a lot of work to try to find some solutions because we have nevertheless suffered a great deal. »

“He masters football as much as the covid…”

An analysis that aroused strong reactions. On the Web, Internet users were indignant to see Adriana Karembeu’s sidekick expressing herself in this way. “But who are you? “, “Let him stay in medicine”, “We really invite anyone to comment on football. For the next interview, which doctor to invite? “, “He masters football as much as the covid…”, “Shut up Michel. Already no one listens to you as a doctor, then as a football consultant…”, “What a con that one is. Always off the mark”, “Who is he? », « The guy, he watched all the matches of Argentina? Not possible to talk so much bullshit”, “If you are as good in prognosis as in covid recommendation… That’s fine then”, could we read on Twitter. A bad buzz for Michel Cymès…


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