For the president of MoDem, a new, more restricted government team is needed. On France Inter, Thursday, François Bayrou mentions 15 members.
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After the episode of the immigration law, Emmanuel Macron “a new page to write”estimates the mayor of Pau and president of the Democratic Movement (MoDem), François Bayrou, Thursday December 28 on France Inter. “It is up to the President of the Republic to say what new chapters we will open”adds the one who is also High Commissioner for Planning.
Indeed, “we [la majorité présidentielle] completed the sequence promised at the time of the presidential election, not always well understood, perhaps not always well explained, which consisted of saying ‘we are going to do two essential things: pension reform and a law on immigration’ , which a large part of public opinion demanded and moreover supports”.
“The question of the President of the Republic is that of adequacy, of correspondence between the project and the people”judges the tenor of the presidential majority. “Do we keep a very large team, like today, or, as I would like, do we reduce it a little, so as to create more solidarity, more of a commando spirit?”he summarizes.
What’s next with or without Élisabeth Borne?
A small government team, with 15 members, would suit him. “I think we can build a government around these figures”, he approves. However, “experience shows that we always announce tighter governments and that we find ourselves with much more numerous governments”.
Can Élisabeth Borne stay at Matignon and lead this new team? François Bayrou kicks into touch. “I do not have the presumption to issue injunctions to the President of the Republic”he said. “I think that Élisabeth Borne is a courageous person, who has shown it”, he only comments. Furthermore, he does not think that the episode of the immigration law, adopted painfully, has left any traces in the Macronist camp. “I don’t believe it, neither in the majority, nor among us [au MoDem]”he assures.