After the end of the series “Plus belle la vie”, actor Laurent Kérusoré reveals himself in song

Laurent Kérusoré, the star actor of the series “Plus belle la vie”, is embarking on a career as a singer. A way to reinvent yourself after the end of the hit soap opera.

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France Televisions

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It’s the first day of his new life. Actor Laurent Kérusoré turns the page on the emblematic series of France 3 More beautiful lifein which he played for 17 years the character of Thomas Marci, one of the well-known faces of the fictional Mistral district.

The actor is not saying goodbye to the entertainment world, he is simply going to burn the boards differently: always addressing the public, but under his real name and with his own voice. He is currently filming his first clip with the ambition of making a place for himself in French song: “We are never safe from success”he laughs.

Filming in a nightclub, Laurent Kérusoré confided in this new adventure which forces him to come out of his shell as an actor. “There precisely, I am not a character. It’s more difficult to be Laurent the singer, rather than hiding behind a character. This has nothing to do with. It’s not the same approach at all.”

His friend Joakim Latzko, who played her husband Gabriel Riva in the series, appears in the singer’s clip, like other actors from More beautiful life. “Laurent, we’ve been working together for 11 years. I was her husband, let’s not forget that. So I have to support him. It’s a bit like marital duty”he laughs.

The rich series of more than 4,600 episodes has reached a wide audience. And there are several fans to support Laurent Kérusoré for his debut in music. Dider Melayer, songwriter, had also collaborated on the Marseille soap opera. He wrote the lyrics to the single recorded by the actor. “I am one of the people in the discotheque who are not necessarily on fire on the track and who observe a little. And as I write for Laurent, I try to find a problem that can be common to us”he confides.

Audiences of the series – who will discover the last episode on November 18 – are already waiting for the sequel, even if there is no cliffhanger planned at the end of the story, this time around.

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