after the detection of several cases, the mayor of a municipality in the North closes the municipal school, “in the interest of all”

Bernard Debeer asks his constituents to be tested to “put an end to this chain of contamination”.

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Bernard Debeer, the mayor of Herlies, in the North, has decided to close the Simone-Veil municipal school, the only school in this town of 2,300 inhabitants, after the detection of several cases of Covid-19, he said. shown in a video posted to Herlies’ Facebook account on Saturday. He also sent an email to the parents of the students.

The elected official without a label claims to make this decision “reluctantly, but in the interest of everyone, young and old alike, and I take responsibility for this decision”, which is, according to him, “hard” corn “dictated by common sense”. “In recent days, the rates of children who test positive in school have continued to increase. We had to close two classes first, then two more later. Today, in addition to the teaching staff, it is the municipal staff who are affected with two agents tested positive. After several exchanges with the services of the prefecture this Friday, I made the decision, in my capacity as mayor and by virtue of my police powers municipal council, to close our school “, he explains.

“The school will reopen on Monday 13 December in the morning and in the meantime I invite you to be tested and to have your children tested so that we can together put an end to this chain of contamination”, he adds.

Bernard Debeer has also decided to close the communal facilities, to cancel all the associative activities of the week, to cancel the Christmas market and the children’s show for Christmas, but he maintains the outdoor skating rink and the fireworks. , with compulsory masks and respect for barrier gestures.

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