After the departure of Francine Pelletier…

Having read in the pages of Duty farewells from Francine Pelletier as well as the letter of admonition published by the editor-in-chief, Marie-Andrée Chouinard, we allow ourselves here to express our deep concern about the way in which, in these times of pandemic, the Duty seems to disregard the principles of healthy democratic debate.

We would really like to understand what motivated the management to act in this way, by pillorying a collaborator whose columns had been appreciated and recognized as such by a large number of readers for nine years.

The unprecedented health crisis in which Quebec has been plunged for two years now has given the major news media a vital role in providing an informed understanding of the major issues posed by the health measures taken by the government. If only to counterbalance the restriction of individual and collective freedoms that too often they entail! And we thought that The duty would necessarily play a leading role in this regard, favoring by all means the expression of diverse points of view and possibly contradicting the dominant government discourse. Is this not, moreover, the very essence of democracy: to promote, in freedom and respectful debate, the clash of opposing ideas, so that everyone can form a fair idea and decide with full knowledge of the facts ?

But that’s what we don’t understand: what, in what Francine Pelletier wrote that day, is really a problem for The duty ?

Wasn’t she a seasoned and respected columnist, and hasn’t she just summarized the text by neuropsychiatrist Norman Doidge published earlier in the “Opinion” section of the Globe and Mail ?

Why would the ideas taken up by the columnist be so problematic in The dutybut repeated and seen as part of a necessary debate in the very serious and rigorous Globe and Mail from Toronto?

That Francine Pelletier could – on a highly controversial subject and in the context of a short weekly column – make a possible factual error or even some clumsiness, fine. But after ? Is there enough cause for trial here for us to inflame the situation by playing the relentless lesson giver and for Francine Pelletier to have – it seems – had no choice but to give his resignation?

Even beyond a correction that the columnist could have added to her next column, The duty didn’t he have all the latitude to, rather than demonize his columnist, open the debate on this subject and make known different points of view which would have advantageously counterbalanced the information given by Francine Pelletier? Isn’t this how, in a democratic society and in a daily life that wants to reflect its principles, that we advance the debate, that the truth is sought by many and that we come a little closer to it? ?

In this difficult period that we are going through and where authoritarian temptations are multiplying everywhere, it seems important to us that you know – we who will very often draw our information from the pages of the Duty – that we are concerned about what happened. Because arranging to silence in your pages an original voice which over the years had largely proven its worth and was appreciated by many for its invigorating questions, seems to us to bode well for democratic and media life in Quebec.


Alain Denault

Nina Machouf

Richard Desjardins

Louise Harel

Amir Khadir

Louise Vandelac

Paul Cliche

Rachad Antonius

Pierre Mouterde

André Frappier

Christian Louret

Viviane Salette

Jonathan Durand Folco

Bernard Rioux

Raphael Canet

John Sylvester

Nathalie Cote

Sibel Ataogul

Rene Charest

Andrew Vincent

Jacques Pelletier

Jean-Claude Ravet

Susan Caldwell

Jean-Yves Bernard

Catherine Pappas

Ronald Cameron

Yvon Rivard

Ricardo Penafiel

Marie-Christine Doran

Michael Lacroix

Dan Furukawa Brands

Chantal Beaudry

Isabel Orellana

Donald Cuccioletta

Roger Rashi

Josee Chevalier

Yves Carrier

Richard Fidler

Robert Deschambault

Francois Saillant

Luc Martineau

Dominique Beaulieu

Flavie Achard

Florence Thomas

Laure Frappier Lapointe

Michele Bonmati

Christian Montmarquette

Sylvain Caron

Serge Bruneau

Martine Chatelain

Pierre Beaudet

Sylvain Lacroix

Marie-Eve Mathieu

Andre Huot

Guillaume Tremblay-Boily

Mary Blais

Marie-Eve Rancourt

William Demers

Benoit Renaud

Louis Rousseau

Joan Renault

Louise Trencia

Lise Couture

Nicole Boucher

Marie-Helene Bonin

Yalda Machouf Khadir

Claude Simard

Victor H. Ramos

Sophie Thiebaut

Florence Bourdeau

Etienne van Steenberghe

Marie-Josee Beliveau

Marie Jacques Samson

Estelle Grandbois-Bernard

J.-Claude St-Onge

Alain Savard

Jean-Yves Jeannette.

Ginette Richard

Marcelle Dube

Peter Bacon

Raymond Legault

Charlotte Thibault

W. Stuart Edwards

Marie-Andrée Painchaud-Mathieu

Olivier D. Asselin

Emilia Castro

Winnie Frohn

Jonathan Vallee-Payette

Isabelle Renaud

Etienne Guerette

Georges Leroux

Thioro Gueye

Lise-Anne Rheaume

Camille-Amelie Koziej Leves

Marie Grandbois

Robert Taillon

White Paradise

Jules Michaud

David Murray

Christiane Pepin

France Maynard

Norman Gagnon

Norman Beaudet

Marc Bonhomme

John Cloutier

Christophe Jbeili

Jocelyn Lavoie

Guy Geoffrey

Marie Leclerc

David Gutnick

Loreen Pindera

Jean-Pierre Tellier

Gilberte Boucher

Kevin Skerrett

Jovanka Ivic

Louis-Francois Naud

Eric Forget

Karine Dubois

Johanne Saulnier

Francois Tanguay

Annie John

Pierre Villepelet

Samuel Herzog

Richard Poulin

Julian Sher

Lisa Fitterman

Dorothy Henaut

Marc-Andre Cyr

Claude Vaillancourt

Amira Bouacida

Stephane Lessard

Yanick Letourneau

Cecilia Agnes Keita

Hassan Guillet

Nathalie Groulx

Charlotte Bonmati Mullins

Sebastien Bouchard

Leslie Dabit

Marielle Cauchy

Jocelyne Delage

Lise Vaillancourt

Anne-Marie Sicotte

Alain Picard

John Bradley

Lucie Pelletier

Patrick Provost

Asmaa Ibnouzahir

Veronique Lalande

Carole Frechette

Mary Lauzon

Richard Dumas

Anne Emond


Anne-Laure Salsé

Jacques T Godbout

Lucienne Losier

Andre Leclerc

Pascale Merlet

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