The President of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo” on Tuesday.
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“It’s a tragedy, my thoughts go first to this woman who died”. Guest of franceinfo Tuesday January 23, the President of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, reacts to the road accident which left one dead and two injured in Pamiers (Ariège), north of Foix. A car drove into a farmers’ roadblock, hitting three people around 5:30 a.m., on the RN20. The deceased is a woman, said the president of the FNSEA, Arnaud Rousseau, on RMC.
“My thoughts go first to this woman who died,” adds Gérard Larcher, and “faced with this tragedy, it is important that answers be provided to the agricultural world very quickly.” “There is a deep anger, a fed-up with the agricultural world. There is a kind of overdose of complexity,” he summarizes.
“Stop having double standards”
In the Senate, “we have felt this tension building for a long time”he assures. “We voted for a bill on the competitiveness of ‘farm France’. We had made reports. We drew the attention of the government of Élisabeth Borne at the time. Now we are saying ‘there is an emergency ‘. This is why the Prime Minister has committed to providing concrete answers to farmers by the end of the week. This is essential.he says.
According to him, “the executive must stop having double standards. A language which, in Brussels, supports the positions of Mr. Canfin [eurodéputé Renaissance, président de la Commission Environnement, Santé publique et Sécurité alimentaire du Parlement européen]for example, or the Green Deal [Pacte vert pour l’Europe] and who, in Paris, says ‘we must simplify, simplify'”denounces Gérard Larcher.
To prevent a tragedy like that of Pamiers from happening again, should we evacuate the roads blocked by farmers, such as the A64? “It is up to agricultural managers to have the necessary discussions with the Minister of the Interior. They are responsible men and women”replies the boss of the High Assembly. “There are no plans for evacuation by the police” of the A64, Gérald Darmanin said on Tuesday.