after the controversy, the incident could finally bring him millions…

It’s the hit of the year! On March 27, during the 94e Oscars ceremony, Will Smith approached Chris Rock and slapped him on stage. General stupor in the room and in front of the television screens. A few minutes earlier, the humorist, king of punch-lines, had launched a dubious joke on the shaved head of Jada Pinkett Smith, who suffers from alopecia. While the actor appeared to be smiling, he furiously blurted out, “Keep my wife’s name out of your fucking mouth,” before punching Chris Rock, not without first receiving the Best Actor Oscar. long remained silent on his misadventure, the comedian, who does not want to consider himself a victim, nevertheless recently dropped in his new show: “Anyone who says that words hurt has never been punched in the face”, as a conclusion cynical to this sad episode. All the professional forecasts then gave Will Smith the big loser of this unfortunate incident. Was he going to be blacklisted? After having moved away in recent months, far from the public and social networks as if to make amends, the he actor seems today to reappear more bankable than ever! Indeed, several media suggest that the tide is now turning in favor of Will Smith. “Will was left aside by Netflix and Apple+ following the slap”, reports a source of The Sun newspaper. “He has since apologized and walked away from the spotlight for a long time. With that in mind, it is widely accepted that enough time has passed.” According to this same person, Netflix would even be working on a biopic devoted to the life of the actor, without forgetting of course his memorable slap at the Oscars. “You could say that the slap and the fallout are pivotal moments in Will’s life and will be part of the script”, concludes this source. Like what, in Hollywood, all stories always end with a “Happy End”.

See also: Jada Pinkett Smith: the whole Web is turning against her!

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