after the controversy of his last video, a big file resurfaces!

Bodybuilding specialist and advocate of an ultra-healthy lifestyle, Tibo InShape has been making its way through social media since rising to prominence on YouTube. If he connects successful videos, the YouTuber also knows the bad buzz. Like last June, when he was caught up in a scandal after the publication of a controversial video on social networks. This month, again, his last video posted on TikTok is controversial. If she looks like a video like any other on her profile – we see him bulging muscles doing different sports exercises – these are the words chosen by Tibo InShape that have been pointed out by some . “Damn wake up. Never mind your depression. Never mind your excuses. Never mind your broken little heart. Never mind your mental pressure Don’t give a damn about your laziness. Don’t give a damn about your doubts. Stop being a piece of shit, being a person with no motivation. Stop wasting your life. Get up right now. “can we hear him say with the initial aim of motivating his subscribers.

Since deleted, his video is now talking on Twitter. Especially since he wanted to respond to the controversy on August 8th. “No telling someone who is obese that he is not in good health and that he must take himself in hand to avoid serious problems with the heart, diabetes, hypertension, libido… is not to be fatphobic it is to want to help him”, he wrote, finally aggravating his case. Immediately, a Twitter account, Le Coin des LGBT+, which promotes “history, culture, news of the LGBT+ community” on social networks, emerged. a large file on the YouTuber. The owners of the Twitter account accuse Tibo InShape of selling dangerous products to its followers in the past. “Don’t worry, nobody wants help from a guy who sold mercury-contaminated products to his subscribers”they claimed, highlighting a link of Drink reminder, the official government site that warns of dangerous products. For Tibo Inshape, it’s about“diet foods and nutrition” which were subject to a recall in January 2022. The site specifies that the reason for the recall is the “heavy metal contamination: mercury”.

Antoine FM

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