After the clashes around the Barkhane convoy, the Nigerien president demands a French investigation

This French military convoy which circulated between Abidjan (Ivory Coast) and Gao (Mali), has become a symbol of hostility to the armed engagement of France in the Sahel, which is growing in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger. , among populations exasperated by jihadist violence that has become omnipresent.

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Nigerien President Mohamed Bazoum has “required from the French authorities” an investigation after clashes at the end of November on the road of the military convoy of the Barkhane force, during which three people were killed, according to Niamey. This French military convoy which circulated between Abidjan (Ivory Coast) and Gao (Mali), has become a symbol of hostility to the armed engagement of France in the Sahel, which is growing in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger. , among populations exasperated by jihadist violence that has become omnipresent.

It was first stranded and graveled in Kaya, in central Burkina Faso, before resuming its journey a few days later and being again interrupted by angry protesters in Téra, in western Niger. Three of them had been killed, in shots blamed on the Nigerien forces by some, French by others.

“With regard to the French soldiers, I demanded that the French authorities open an investigation with a view to sanctioning those who have been guilty of reprehensible acts”, explained the Nigerien president in a radio and television message on the occasion of the 63rd anniversary of the proclamation of the republic in this former French colony.

“Unfortunate dysfunctions”

According to Mohamed Bazoum, “unfortunate malfunctions” from “law enforcement device” was “largely insufficient” for “ensure the passage of the French military convoy”, is at the origin of these clashes. He also claimed to have “ordered an investigation” by the “competent services” nigerians “in order to identify these dysfunctions and locate the various responsibilities”.

At the time, the Nigerien Interior Ministry explained that “very violent demonstrators” had blocked the convoy under escort of the Nigerien gendarmerie. He added, without specifying whether he was referring to the gendarmerie or the Barkhane force, that “in her attempt to extricate herself she used force “.

Niger faces regular and deadly attacks by jihadist groups linked to Al Qaeda and ISIS in the Sahel in the west, and those by Boko Haram and ISIS in West Africa (Iswap ) in the southeast.

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