after the broadcast of the number of “Special Envoy” on Nicolas Hulot, an investigation for rape and sexual assault on a minor open!

Last Wednesday, when he announced his final withdrawal from public life, Nicolas Hulot feared the “metiatic lynching” that an explosive number ofCorrespondent dedicated to him this week. The former minister, who has always denied the facts of rape and sexual assault with which he is accused by at least 5 women, will have to deal with the police …

An investigation opened in Paris

This November 26, the day after the broadcast on France 2 of the report “Nicolas Hulot: women accuse him”, the prosecution of the Paris judicial court announced the opening of an investigation for rape. It will be entrusted to the brigade for the protection of minors (BPM) of the regional direction of the judicial police (DRPJ) to find out if it actually exists “facts likely to have been committed in Paris with regard to a minor victim“.

The press release also states that investigators “will endeavor to determine whether the facts denounced may characterize a criminal offense and whether, in view of their seniority, the limitation period for public action has been acquired “. In question, the particularly chilling testimony of a certain Sylvia, aged 16 in 1989. The latter, who had met Nicolas Hulot on the radio, after having written him a fan letter, told this Thursday evening that the host had it “forced to give him a blowjob”.

“And there he takes out his penis”

“And there he takes out his cock. It goes pretty quickly, he undid his pants, he took my hand. He asked me if I had already done it with boys, if I was used to that kind of hugs. I tell him: ‘No’. Several times, I get back in my seat, I remove my hand. I remember being in a state of incomprehension “ she confided 30 years later.

>> See also: “He takes out his penis, he forces me to give him a fellatio” … Assaulted at 16 by Nicolas Hulot, she breaks the silence in “Special Envoy”!


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