after the body of Milann burned, Nabilla has to face another problem which saddens her enormously

She would never have imagined getting so inked up by becoming a mother. However, all mothers become very worried about their children when they are born. And if a few years ago, Nabilla was thinking more about the outfit she was going to wear to appear on social networks, the weather has changed a lot since then. She is the mother of two children with Thomas and the little family is living a real fairy tale.

However, the former reality TV candidate had a big scare a few days ago when her little Milann came home with a burn. Indeed, the young mother revealed a snapshot of her son and explained that “Milann he has a little bandage right here”, pointing to the area where he was injured. Nabilla then continued and indicated how the little boy burned himself during the day: “So in fact he got a little bit burned. He fell at the Kids Club and there he has a little burn, well nothing very serious. But suddenly we put a small band around his neck so that it heals “.

Can’t cry on the way to work

Since then, the son of Thomas and the pretty brunette is treated and will probably avoid having a scar. However, this is not the only problem in Nabilla’s life. Indeed, she took the floor again this Monday, July 11, to express her sadness. As she has to go to work every day, she has to face a terrible dilemma. Go to work, or stay home with his offspring.

“My son, he looked at me earlier with his very small head and he said to me: ‘Mommy please, don’t go to work’she explained on her social networks before admitting that she had almost cracked: “And there, I can tell you that I was on the verge of saying to him: ‘Ok’. It’s hard sometimes, to leave them, it’s very, very hard. They are little babies, so it’s very hard, but that’s how it is, that’s the job”. Fortunately, the young mother managed to force herself and get to her day job.

See also: The body of Milann, the son of Nabilla, burned: serious concerns…


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