after the attack in Rafah, Egypt raises its tone while Turkey calls on the Islamic world to react

Since the tragic bombing of a displaced persons camp in Rafah, the ground offensive has continued despite international protests. Our correspondents in Egypt and Turkey describe the latest reactions from the leaders of these two countries.



Reading time: 6 min

Palestinians gathered at the site of an Israeli strike on a camp for displaced people in Rafah, May 27, 2024. (EYAD BABA / AFP)

The deadly Israeli bombings on Sunday May 26, 2024 against a displaced persons camp in Rafah left at least 45 dead and 249 injured, according to local authorities. Since then, Israel has pleaded the tragic mistake, but this attack infuriated Cairo. At the heart of the negotiations since October 7, 2023, Egypt is trying as best it can to make its voice heard for a two-state solution. Caught between its trade agreements and the anger of the streets, al-Sissi’s government is trying to have it both ways.

For its part, Turkey, which broke off all commercial relations with Israel a month ago, has a free hand to completely condemn the Jewish state, as well as Western countries and Arab countries which remain inactive. Recep Tayyip Erdogan blasted an Israeli prime minister “genocidal”describing his State as a “threat to humanity”and praised the merits of Hamas.

In Egypt, a superficial condemnation

Cairo reacted very strongly after this attack on its border. In a statement dated May 27, the day after the attack, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry castigated “the deliberate bombing of the tents of displaced people by the Israeli army in Rafah, which left hundreds dead”. Although Hamas’ official figures currently stand at 45 dead, Egypt intends here to condemn, at least on the surface, this attack which took place on its border, in particular by emphasizing its intentional nature.

Relations with Israel are important for Egypt, a country in the midst of an energy crisis, particularly for its imports of Israeli gas. It is therefore important for Raïs Abdel Fattah al-Sissi not to offend his Israeli partner. But it must also satisfy its population, which is deeply pro-Palestinian. In this “at the same time” communication, Egypt risks becoming inaudible while a deadly war is being fought on its border.

Since Wednesday May 29, 2024, the Israeli army has loudly claimed to have entered the 14 km long strip between the Gaza Strip and Egypt, which serves as a buffer zone between the two countries. To destroy the Hamas tunnels, Israel decided to reinvest this line on the border, this neutral “no man’s land” since 2005, without Cairo reacting. Egypt has denied the presence of tunnels and announced in February that if the Israeli army tried to occupy this corridor under Egyptian control, it would be a red line crossed by the Jewish state.

Israel crossed this red line and Egypt said nothing. As she did not rebel against the death of two of her soldiers, at the beginning of the week, on the border with Gaza. According to the Ministry of the Armed Forces, an investigation is underway, as was the case in October 2023 when so-called “friendly” fire killed several Egyptian border guards. No conclusions from the investigation have yet been made public by the Egyptian authorities.

In Türkiye, President Erdogan urges war

Israel’s bombing of the refugee camp in Rafah also rekindles the anger of the Turkish president. He again denounces the inaction of Western countries but also attacks Arab countries. Recep Tayyip Erdogan calls on Muslim countries to protect their Palestinian brothers. He let his indignation burst forth in an uncompromising diatribe in front of the deputies of his party, which earned him lengthy applause: “I have here a few words to say to the Islamic world. What are you waiting for to take a common decision ? What more do you need to react? ? On the streets of Gaza, dogs eat human remains. Muslim children are massacred in hospitals, babies have their heads torn off. People are being burned alive in tents. When will you decide to see this ? When will the Organization of Islamic Cooperation pursue an effective and dissuasive policy against these atrocities? I swear, Allah will hold you and all of us accountable for this.”

Turkey criticizes Arab and Muslim countries for not joining the complaint for genocide brought by South Africa before the International Court of Justice. The Turkish president also warned countries in the region against the threat posed by Israel “for the security of humanity”adding that no country, Türkiye included “is not safe”.

The Turkish president wants to spearhead the opposition to the Jewish state. He knows that it is a popular speech in his country. Very quickly, after the attack on Al-Shifa hospital, Recep Tayyip Erdogan toughened his speech against Prime Minister Netanyahu, calling him a “genocidal”of “criminal against humanity” and boasting the merits of Hamas, with which Turkey maintains good relations.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in this very vehement speech, also of course thunders again against Western countries. He accuses them of having on their hands “the same blood as Israel”and against the United Nations whose “the spirit has sunk with humanity in Gaza”, he said. President Erdogan hands out good and bad points, good points to Spain, Ireland and Norway for their recognition of the State of Palestine. He intends to assert Turkey’s place in the region, diplomatically and economically. If the Turkish president has disqualified himself from being a mediator between the two parties, he positions himself as the standard bearer of the Palestinians, in order to play a role in the post-war period, particularly in the reconstruction of Gaza.

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