after the announcement of the 2025 budget, several deputies are preparing to modify the government’s copy in the Assembly

MPs from several sides deplore the 2025 finance bill presented Thursday by the government. Among the measures that raise eyebrows are tax increases and cuts in public spending.



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Laurent Saint-Martin and Antoine Armand, respectively Minister of the Budget and Minister of the Economy, during the presentation of the finance bill for 2025, in Paris, October 10, 2024. (VINCENT ISORE / MAXPPP)

The government presented the 2025 budget on Thursday October 10. A balancing act for Prime Minister Michel Barnier in a context of sharp deterioration in French public finances. Revaluation of pensions postponed, civil servant positions eliminated, tax increases for the wealthiest and the companies which make the most profits… Many of the measures provided for in the text make the deputies wince or even jump.

The elected representatives of the Assembly also consider this budget as a draft and want to improve it. Even Macronist deputies are not completely convinced, for example Mathieu Lefèvre: “I find that the boat is a little heavy on taxes, it is more important what François Hollande did in terms of amounts in 2012.”

And the chosen one does not want to stop there: “I hope that the parliamentary debate will allow these tax increases to be exchanged for spending cuts.” But spending cuts are precisely what makes the left jump.

“It is a budget which is gloomy for the French, particularly the middle classes and the disadvantaged classesregrets the Insoumis Eric Coquerel, president of the finance committee. On the issues of ecology, national education and health, the planned reductions are unbearable.”

“There is a strategic error in this budget” denounced on franceinfo Laurent Baumel, socialist deputy for Indre-et-Loire and member of the finance committee.“I understand this desire to reduce this deficit, but we must address the reasons why the deficits have increased,” he added. “It’s because during the entire period when Emmanuel Macron presided over the destiny of the country, there was a strategy of massive and structural reduction of taxes on the wealthiest, the richest, the large companies”denounced the deputy.

“We are attacking public spending and lots of spending which will help to slow down growth and put many people in the working and middle classes in difficulty, he lamented. There are a lot of choices that are going to hurt a lot.”

The National Rally is not convinced either. MP Jean-Philippe Tanguy expects Michel Barnier to incorporate ideas from the RN: “If the government does not listen to reason and does not modify its copy with the concrete proposals of the RN, we will undoubtedly move towards censorship.” According to him, “It’s an easy budget, which repeats all the mistakes of the last fifty years.”

“There is no recovery of public finances”, judges the deputy for the Somme, because “public spending continues to increase above inflation.” According to him, it is especially the French who will “lose purchasing power”, including the increase in compulsory contributions for certain taxpayers and the freezing of pension indexation.

“It is impossible to accept the copy as it is today.”

Jean-Philippe Tanguy, RN deputy

at franceinfo

“Where are the efforts on bureaucracy, administrative mille-feuille, immigration or even the contribution to the European Union?” asks the elected RN who will not vote for this budget as is. “Cutting 4,000 teaching positions but not tackling the bureaucracy, that annoys me,” he says.

“Parliament can improve” the budget, assures Michel Barnier, while preserving the balance. The head of government, who will ask the French for an effort of 60 billion euros, must resolve a very complex equation: give pledges to both the left and the extreme right to prevent the two parties from uniting. on a motion of censure.

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