after ten years at the head of “Cash Investigation”, the journalist evokes the “pressure” and “intimidation” exerted on her and her team

Bringing to light what the powerful want to hide, Élise Lucet is the queen. Indeed, for ten years, the former presenter of the JT of France 2 decided to change his tune to devote himself to pure and hard investigation with “Cash Investigation”. Whether we like it or not, we have to admit that it does it very well. Otherwise, the now cult documentary would not be on the air for quite some time. But Delphine Ernotte, the president of the group France Televisionshas full confidence in Élise Lucet and her teams.

So much so that it is she who is mainly subjected to pressure and intimidation. Indeed, the presenter of the documentary of France 2 gave an interview to Telestar this Friday, March 3. The opportunity for her to say more about the success of her “baby” in ten years of existence, but also about the threats received. “The pressures are exerted today mainly on the president, that is to say Delphine Ernotte”, she confided. But the journalist assures it, the president of the group France Televisions THE “fully support”. Better yet, she wouldn’t say “All” to Élise Lucet and her teams. This with the aim of “let it work quietly”. “She just asks to be aware of sensitive files”she continues.

See also: Elise Lucet: we tried to silence her and lock her up while she was filming a “Cash Investigation”!

Élise Lucet threatened but not shot down

Whether it’s the big groups, which try to hide the dark sides of the functioning of their companies, or the firms which abuse their employees, the journalist and her cameras never hesitate to go “to the front” to denounce what is denounced. . And their work is so well prepared that “Cash Investigation” has never lost in court.

Indeed, twelve legal proceedings have been initiated against Élise Lucet and her teams. Yet they don’t have “never lost”. “People no longer dare to call me because they are convinced that I record everything. I do not deny anything, I maintain doubts”, she says proudly. A method that works and should last for a long time.


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